July 19, 2019

Minneapolis – Rebuilding Together Twin Cities and employee volunteers from three financial institutions have worked side-by-side over the last few weeks to provide critical home repairs for a South Minneapolis woman. The final phase of the multi-part volunteer project will take place on Tuesday, July 23.
Trudy Olson (77) has lived in her home in South Minneapolis for more than 30 years. Since her brother died last August, she has lived on her own.
This past winter, Olson had a serious fall that caused her to be hospitalized, she then had to stay in extended care for four months. Now that Olson is home, she wants to be able to live comfortably and age gracefully in the house she loves.
Rebuilding Together Twin Cities Banks on Volunteers to Revitalize Home of Disabled Minneapolis Women
Rebuilding Together Twin Cities and employee volunteers from three financial institutions have worked side-by-side over the last few weeks to provide critical home repairs for a South Minneapolis woman. The final phase of the multi-part volunteer project will take place on Tuesday, July 23.
Olson’s major challenges to living safely in her home are her limited mobility, leaking roof and electrical box. So, Rebuilding Together Twin Cities recruited employee volunteers from three financial institutions – Wells Fargo, MidCountry Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank Des Moines – to work together on the four-phase project.
Volunteers will make livability improvements to her home such as installing exterior accessibility steps, painting, installing windows and carpeting, and making trip-hazard improvements on interior stairs. These updates will allow Trudy better access within her home, as well as give her the ability to come and go safely.
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