January 3, 2019

Bloomington, MN – MidCountry Bank showed its support of our military and their families with a financial donation of $15,000 to Folds of Honor MN.
Folds of Honor was formed in 2007, and the MN Chapter was launched in 2014 with a mission to provide support and education to the families of fallen soldiers. In 2018, the MN Chapter raised $1 million for MN families which is distributed through scholarships. MidCountry Bank was first introduced to Folds of Honor by Mike Gmetro, Business Development Deposit Specialist. As we learned more about their mission, we have been very impressed by the work they do and their dedication to helping the families of our fallen heroes.
An impressive 86 cents of every dollar they raise goes to their scholarship programs. Scholarships are used to subsidize the costs of tuition, school books, fees, on-campus room and board, educational tutoring, and other educational expenses. The Higher Education Scholarship program is for spouses and dependents of service members who are enrolled, or planning to enroll, in an undergraduate program of study leading to a bachelor’s degree at an accredited U.S. college or university. Enrollment in an accredited technical or trade school program, which results in a certificate or diploma, are also acceptable.
For more information on Folds of Honor, please visit their website www.foldsofhonor.org
Our national flag was a fitting backdrop for the photo since the Folds of Honor logo is a folded flag that serves as a constant reminder of those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
Folds of Honor receives a donation on behalf of MidCountry Bank.
(L-R: Dave Thompson, Megan Cron Folds of Honor Regional Director Development,
Isaiah Maring CEO & Founder Patriot Parachute Team and Board Member, Peggy Franzen,
Perry Schmidt Folds of Honor MN Chapter President and Mike Gmetro)
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